Fitness Junction's Intensive 6 Week Kick Start Program
This is an intensive 6 week program aimed at kick-starting your health & well-being, losing weight and getting you fitter and healthier.
do you want to lose weight
do you want gain muscle
do you have a slow metabolism
are you afraid to train on your own
are you getting results
what injuries do you have
what are your goals
This amazing 6 week program that will have you feeling:
great in your skin
lighter and stronger
proud and happy with yourself
keen to share your new you with your loved ones
Our 6-Week Kick Start program is for YOU. Make yourself a priority, you will be happy you did. Our program is designed to assist in implementing healthier eating habits, developing a personalised long-term exercise and movement program and to get you feeling amazing in your own skin.
What's Included Over the 6 Weeks?
An initial consultation is where we'll discuss your goals (whether it be weight loss or just to fit in your clothes better), we'll discuss your previous exercise regimes, assess your weight and measurements.
Personal 6-week diet & exercise diary (INCLUDES recipes, hints and tips)
A customised menu plan to suit your individual food preferences (think: stuff YOU want to eat)
Unlimited Group PT
Weekly Progress Consultations
As much support as you need
What is my Investment?
Investing in your health has never been easier.
For all of the above benefits, the cost is just $399 (existing Fitness Junction Members just $299)
YES! When can I start?
You can start this program anytime. Simply click the button below to schedule your consultation.