Super Healthy Porridge

Let's start with breakfast, the most important meal of the day!
You can add as much or as little of these ingredients, all ingredients are optional. The quantities are to your taste and can merge and morph with every batch. Most of these ingredients are found at Woolworths in the Seed, Nut and Grain section - where the healthy people hang out.
2 cups oats (plain or spelt)
1 cup ground white quinoa (I do in a mortar & pestle)
1/2 cup ground black quinoa
1/2 cup finely processed brown rice (use a food processor)
1/4 cup chia seeds (black or white or both)
1/2 cup finely chopped almonds (lightly done in food processor) and/or almond meal
1/2 cup finely chopped sunflower/pumpkin/sesame seeds
Optional : 1/2 cup amaranth flakes (health food specialist shops)
COOK for 3 minutes in the microwave, TOP with your favourite milk, yoghurt, blueberries, banana, protein powder and especially Cinnamon! DELICIOUS, healthy and energizing for hours.
If you prefer a cool breakfast, refrigerate for 20 mins before adding your cold ingredients. Hope you get around to making it :) once you start your mixture, you can morph it to your flavours!